Friday, August 5, 2011

4 weeks, 6 days

Today the baby is just beginning to form his/her brain and backbone.

So today, here are my stats:

262 pounds
125/76 = blood pressure at 7am
83 = heart rate

& here's what I'm eating:

Breakfast: steel cut oats, plus a little brown sugar, cinnamon, raspberries, ground flaxseed, vanilla almond milk

Lunch: giant salad - romaine, butter lettuce, spinach, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, cauliflower, sugar snap peas, grapes, 1/2 can of black beans, onion slices. Plus a dressing I made yesterday with tahini, lemon juice, garlic, & water.

Dinner: the Ginger Bok Choy with Soba Noodles recipe from Appetite for Reduction.

I'm planning to walk up and down my stairs for some exercise as soon as I get done with my post. We used to have a treadmill but it broke. And it's too dang hot where I live to exercise outside. But we live in a split level and we have stairs. So I'm going to walk them with my 5-year-old starting once a day and work up from there. Before I started eating a plant-based diet (about 6 weeks ago), my entire body hurt and I couldn't even begin to think of climbing stairs to exercise. Now I'd say about half my body hurts. Ha. And today I'm going to see how many times I can climb the stairs before I feel like I need to quit. My eventual goal is to do it 3x/day, for 10 minutes each time.

I'm not having any cravings, only the mildest nausea. Things are good!

Tomorrow we're going out of town for the weekend. I have no idea what I'll be eating, but I will do the best that I can.

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